Yesterday, late morning, I was pulling up to a friend's house and walking around to their back porch. Sitting there on their table was a huge trash bag and Rubbermaid full of clothes her kids had outgrown. Sweatshirts, pajamas, shorts, t-shirts, pants, bathing suits. As I looked through the clothes finding the right sizes and the styles that I knew our boys would want to wear I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my friend that she would offer these clothes to us to go through. I didn't take everything. Pajama pants the littles already have about three pairs each of, so we're good there. Not everything was a style that the kids would like. And, there were other people, too, who I know could be blessed by getting some free clothes. But, I did come home with a nice, big bag of clothes for the kids. And, every article of clothing I brought home yesterday represents one less thing I have to buy for the boys in the store. Over and over again I could tell you stories of how our amazing friends have blessed us when it comes to the kids. Today, though, I am grateful for the friend who offered me clothes and helped me lower our clothing expenses this fall.
But, I'm not done yet! This story is two-fold. I am beyond thankful that we are blessed with children who understand the limitations of our budget. They know we simply cannot afford to buy them the
Well, this post has taken an unexpected turn. What started off as a simple Gratituesday post has turned into a bit of an explanation of how I clothe my kids in a mix of hand-me-downs and clearance rack finds. So, to recap: I am thankful for friends and family who generously share their clothes with us to keep our clothing budget for three growing boys under control. I am also thankful for clearance and sales on clearance and being able to dress my kids fashionably, but on a budget.
Head over to Heavenly Homemakers for more Gratituesday!
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